Posts WebTemplateStudio for VisualCode

WebTemplateStudio for VisualCode

Quickly builds web applications using a wizard-based UI to turn your needs into a foundation of best patterns and practices. approaches full-stack web app creation using the following three attribute sets:

Frameworks: First, which frameworks do you want to use for your frontend and backend? We currently support three frameworks for frontend: React, Angular, Vue.js and two frameworks for backend: Node, Flask. We also provide a dependency checker to make sure you have the required version of Node and/or Python installed. App pages: Next, to accelerate app creation, we provide a number of app page templates that you can use to add common UI pages into your new app. The current page templates include: blank page, common layouts (e.g., master detail) and pages that implement common patterns (e.g., grid, list). Using the wizard, add as many of the pages as you need, providing a name for each one, and we’ll generate them for you. Cloud Services: Lastly, you specify which Azure cloud services you want to use, and we’ll build out the framework for the services into your app. Currently supported services cover storage (Azure Cosmos DB), and hosting (Azure App Service). Once you make the selections you want and click generate, you can quickly extend the generated code.

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