Posts Water Explained

Water Explained

Distilled Water vs Filtered Water vs Bottled - “The Truth” The Journey of Water Documentary

The amazing discovery I am about to unfold to you had its beginning some 40 years ago. Just why I did not receive the impact then I will never know. A few short months ago the truth finally revealed itself to me. At first I found it difficult be comprehend, but little by little the facts began to blend until I saw it all in its entirety, and The Choice Was Clear.

THE CHOICE IS CLEAR by Dr. Allen E. Banik (Dec 1, 1991)

Only One Possible Cause For All Aging Diseases? Imagine one common possible cause for nearly all diseases! Can it be that arthritis, kidney stones, gall stones, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), enlarged hearts, emphysema, obesity, constipation, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, all stem from one common cause? Unbelievable! But possibly very true!

Can This Be True? We all use it every day-from the baby’s first cry to the old man’s last breath. Water! The one element you need the most and suspect the least. If this shocks you, do not be surprised, as millions of Americans are still unaware of this “aging process,” and indulge in it freely. Multitudes suffer from all the above diseases, and unknowingly contribute to this cause daily. Somehow the shots, pills, vitamin capsules and balanced diets add only brief spurts to well-being. The arthritis can get a little worse, the arteries a little harder, the gall stones and kidney stones a little larger, the eyes a little dimmer, the hearing more complex, sugar starts to appear in the urine, digestion slows down, constipation calls for stronger laxatives-and waist lines get a little larger. It’s a never-ending cycle of feeling just a little worse than the day before.

The Greatest Function Of Distilled Water Distilled water acts as a solvent in the body. It dissolves food substances so they can be assimilated and taken into every cell. It dissolves inorganic mineral substances lodged in tissues of the body so that such substances can be eliminated in the process of purifying the body. Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth-the only one that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. By its continued use, it is possible to dissolve inorganic minerals, acid crystals, and all the other waste products of the body without injuring tissues.

Water Is Never The Same True, our officials inspect and test our city water periodically, but water is never the same at all times, neither are wells in the same locations. Water can vary every day. Sometimes chemicals in water can become excessive; at other times negligible; but at all times the minerals will be there. We are looking for a mineral free and chemical-free water. This is the only kind of water our bodies demand. Only through the process of distillation can we achieve this purity.

Water: A Carrier Of Disease, since water is a carrier of minerals and chemicals, lets list some of them found in our water:

Chlorine                               Copper Sodium                                 Zinc Magnesium                           Lead Sulphur                                 Selenium Calcium                                Cesium Potassium                             Uranium Bromine                                Molybdenum Carbon                                 Thorium Strontium                              Cerium Boron                                   Silver Silicon                                   Vanadium Fluorine                                 Lanthanum Nitrogen                                Yttrium Aluminum                              Nickel Rubidium                               Scandium Lithium                                  Mercury Phosphorus                           Gold Barium                                  Radium Iodine                                   Cadmium Arsenic                                 Chrome Iron                                      Cobalt Manganese                           Tin

Our bodies need many of the above-mentioned elements, but only in their organic state. They must first pass through the roots of our plants before our bodies can assimilate them. Herein lies the big error. Nature has a tremendous distilling plant. As the vapors rise. all impurities are left behind. Only as the clouds recondense the water does it again pick up the elements left behind. Now it becomes harmful to us, but beneficial to plants. There is a big difference between powdered iron filings and the iron found in plants. It takes no chemist to tell the difference.

It’s Time To Become Alarmed We do not know from day to day just what pollutions may exist in our own water. There is, however, one way to be sure, and that is to distill your own water. You are then sure that you will get the purest water possible. read all pages : src1 - src2 -

THE CHOICE IS CLEAR by Dr. Allen E. Banik (Dec 1, 1991)

Arthritis Kidney stones Gall stones Arteriosclerosis Enlarged hearts Emphysema Obesity Constipation Cataracts Glaucoma Diabetes

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Buy Water Quality TDS Tester (Total Dissolved Solids)

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TDS meter with ATC

TDS without ATC search

Should I pick with ATC (**A**utomatic **T**emperature **C**ompensation) For tap water that is around 200-300 ppm (typical) you can see a 50ppm difference in just 10 degrees (F) temperature change. Here are some readings at various temperatures:

temp TDS 11c(53F) 230 13c(57F) 241 20c(69F) 292 26c(79F) 333

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Anmez.Greentest ECO 5 Determines the amount of nitrates in vegetables and fruits using a rapid analysis in just 3 seconds.

3.7 milligram Nitrates per 1kg body weight

Νάτριο στο πόσιμο νερό και τα όρια επικινδυνότητας

8 Insane Scientific Reasons Why Water = Life (ref - reverse osmosis)

Buy Water Filter

Brita Maxtra Filter - my roommate has this, when go in to apartment the metric for tap water is 250ppm. The house has water Aquaphor K2 filter, where we replace it with a new one. Of course, the metric for the fitler is 250ppm. Because cant remove the minerals. The roommate start using the Brita, I count the water, showed 165ppm! magic ? more for Activated Carbon – Activated Charcoal

Is there a best before date for Brita Maxtra Filter cartridges? If they are stored properly, the original BRITA cartridges can be kept for 4 years. (src)

How Polluted Is Your Drinking Water? - EWG’s Tap Water Database - Remember that “Erin Brockovich” Chemical? There’s a Good Chance It’s in Your Water - Water-testing device that could help get the lead out - Got lead in your water? - Lead poisoning and health - Unsafe Lead Levels in Tap Water Not Limited to Flint - Wireless, wearable toxic-gas detector - Detecting gases wirelessly and cheaply - MIT sensor detects spoiled meat - 3Ts Toolkit for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water - Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water - Nanotubes Technology Overview - Drinking water to be shut off at all Detroit public schools - Brain-eating microbe: US city warned over water supply -

Water Purification System Found at Ancient Maya City ref


The first use of fluoridated drinking water was in Germany’s Nazi prison camps, allegedly to sterilize humans and force the prisoners into calm submission.

Determined that fluoride exposure is associated with IQ deficits in children

Fluoride Linked to Worse Kidney Function in Teens

12 Toxins in Your Drinking Water

Natural bottled water has natural arsenic contamination

According to the FDA, adults need to get 1,000 mg of calcium, and 400 mg of magnesium per day.

The moka pot doesn’t actually vaporize and recondense the water, it just uses steam to push the hot water up into the top chamber. That won’t reduce the mineral content.

Q: Using an expresso or moka pot to distill water

Q: Distilling water with Moka Pot

Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill

The current recommended daily for adults is between 320 and 420mg daily, and the average US intake is around 250mg daily.

Nestlé has been preparing for water shortages for decades

Towns in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have turned away Nestlé. In Washington, the mayor of Waitsburg, Walt Gobel, resigned last year after it was revealed that he’d conducted secret talks with the company about building a $50 million plant.

The case dragged on for eight years, Nestlé would reduce pumping from 400 gallons (1515lt) per minute to 218 gallons (825lt)

We took a bus here from Flint because we’re tired of bottled water, tired of Nestlé, tired of them making a profit off of our disaster.

Beginning in 2014 thousands of families were exposed to dangerous levels of lead and bacteria in tap water.

Nestlé even teamed up with Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi to donate 35,000 bottles per month to Flint residents…

Between 2005 and 2016, Nestlé has taken over 4 billion gallons of our water for pennies and sold it back to us for huge profits

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Nestle pays $200 a year to bottle water near Flint, where residents cannot drink tap water

Woman who died in December was planned witness in Flint water crisis cases

Study predicts that more than a third of Americans might not be able to afford their water bills in five years, with costs expected to triple as World War II-era construction breaks down

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

by Robert H. Lustig at 2009

by Robert H. Lustig at 2017 The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains

topics (has online links) - Is it time to treat sugar like smoking? -

^how our addictions have robbed us of happiness

Pure, white and deadly by John Yudkin

src1 - src2 -,%20White%20and%20Deadly%20-%20%20John%20Yudkin.pdf

Inadvertently, whether they want to or not, they are shaping the thoughts and feelings and actions of people.

ref - Tristan Harris – Why can’t we put down our smartphones?

Monsanto’s Weed Killer, Dicamba, Divides Farmers

Meet the people who believe the fluoride in your water is poisoning you

origin - water-explained

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