Posts Programming Facts

Programming Facts

** INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT PROGRAMMING ** -The first computer programmer was a female, named Ada Lovelace. -The first game was created in 1961. Fun facts are that it didn’t earn any money. -The first virus was created in 1983. -The first computer was actually a loom called the Jacquard loom, an automated, mechanical loom, which didn’t use any electricity. -The first high-level (very close to real English that we use to communicate) programming language was FORTRAN. invented in 1954 by IBM’s John Backus. -Computer programming is one of the fastest growing occupations currently. -The original name for JAVA was OAK. -JavaScript is not compiled. -Majors related to computer programming are among the highest paying in colleges and universities A programming language is basically a language that allows a human being to communicate with a computer The lifestyle we live today with our tablets, and mobile phones wouldn’t be possible without computer programming. -Did you know how many total programming languages? – it’s 698. -Most people are intimidated by the thought of learning how to program, however as with anything, the more you practice and repeatedly do that task, the easier it gets. -The Java mascot, ‘The Duke’ was created by Joe Palrang. Palrang is the same guy who has worked on the Hollywood blockbuster, Shrek. Duke is celebrated at Oracle. -Four states of programmer progress: a) Complex Programming b) Making Progress c) Slow Progress d) Stuck -It is not a tool or magic it is power to create your Imagination in reality. -APIs are like stars, once a class is there everybody will assume it will always be there. -Did you know first computer bug was named due to a real bug as shown in below pic? Grace Hopper recorded the first computer ‘bug’ in the book as she was working for the MARK II computer.

** PROGRAMMERS FUNNY FACTS ARE ** -Programmers will start the count from zero, not one. -The root is at the top of the tree. -Programming and coding are not the same. -Programmer says ‘=’ != ‘==’ -The value of a ‘;’ -Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V have saved more lives than Batman and Robin. -Programmers always looking for a girl who can code. -Writing cryptic code is deep joy in the soul of a programmer. -Programmers love to code day and night. -“|” Key is not useless. -When you format your hard drive, the files are not deleted. -1 Mbps and 1 MBps internet connection don’t mean the same thing. -A programmer is similar to a game of golf. The point is not getting the ball in the hole but how many strokes it takes. -A programmer is not a PC repairman.

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