Posts Zero gravity could cure cancer, 4 cancers had 80/90% of cells die off

Zero gravity could cure cancer, 4 cancers had 80/90% of cells die off

Joshua Chou, a biomedical engineer from the University of Technology Sydney in Australia, seems to think so, and his experiments also seem to be reflecting that answer. Chou has conducted several experiments in the lab and aims to explain that zero gravity has the ability to cure cancer cells.

Chou’s work is centered around finding out how the cancer cells find each other in the human body and develop into tumors, He believes that once gravity is removed out the equation that the cancer cells won’t be able to “sense” each other and therefore develop into larger tumors.

Chou and his team have created the first microgravity device in Australia to test their theory out, and so far “When placed in a microgravity environment, 80 to 90 percent of the cells in the four different cancer types we tested - ovarian, breast, nose and lung - were disabled” - said Chou. Read more:

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