Posts Your microbiome has the potential to improve your mental health, not just your gut health

Your microbiome has the potential to improve your mental health, not just your gut health

There’s a school of thought that says you are not one single organism, but rather a superorganism made up of many. Human cells make up less than half of what you call ‘you’ – the rest are trillions of bacteria, fungi and viruses in your gut, on your skin and throughout your tissues, collectively known as your microbiome. You need them because of the role they play in digesting your food and maintaining a healthy immune system. They need you because they need somewhere to live.

Now research is providing evidence that you have an extra reason to treasure the microbes living in the depths of your bowels: if they’re happy, you’re happy too. The hitherto ludicrous-sounding idea that what happens in your intestines affects your mood has now got scientific backing. And it’s become clear that it’s your gut bacteria that are doing the communicating with your brain and affecting your state of mind.


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