Posts Wubi


Wubi is a Windows front-end for lupin ( and ubiquity ( Wubi and lupin provide a user friendly installer which allows to install/uninstall Ubuntu as any other program, without modifying partitions, without replacing the bootloader and without having to burn a CD. Ubuntu installation is almost identical to a standard dual-boot installation both in terms of behaviour and performance. Wubi accomplishes the following tasks:

  • gathers all information required by the installer, and provides an NSIS wizard to edit the settings (most settings are autodetected and genereally there is little to do other than choosing a new password)
  • generates a preseed.cfg file to be passed to lupin
  • downloads the ISO (supports download resume and multiple mirrors)
  • sets up grldr (grub for windows)
  • reboots the system so that ubiquity/lupin can take over and do the actual installation

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