Highlights of the new Wine 2.0 release are support for Microsoft Office 2013 and 64-bit support on Mac OS.
v2.0 brings : -Implementation of additional DirectWrite features. -Window, bitmap and GDI DC render targets are implemented in Direct2D. -Mac OS graphics driver supports Retina rendering mode. -Support for display resolutions such as 640x400 and 1280x960 supported in desktop mode. -Additional Direct 3D 10 and 11 features implemented. -Support for additional graphics cards added. -GStreamer version 1.0 support for audio and video. -Web Services API is supported. -Uninstallation support in MSI improved. -Loading multiple kernel drivers inside the same user-mode process is supported.
Wine GUI
origin - http://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=6529 wine-v2-0-is-now-available