Was born on March 24, 1897 in Galicia, in the easternmost part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, now Ukraine. He grew up in the Bukovina on a large farm operated by his father. His first language was German, and until 1938 he was an Austrian citizen.
Bio-Electrical Experiments, Bions, And The Discovery Of Orgone Energy (1934 – 1939)
Using human subjects, Reich was able to demonstrate a charge at the skin’s surface directly related to feelings of pleasure and anxiety. This charge would increase when a subject felt pleasure, and decrease during feelings of unpleasure. From this, Reich concluded that pleasure is the movement of biological energy toward the periphery of the organism, while anxiety is the movement of this energy toward the center. source
his books - https://www.wilhelmreichtrust.org/books.html
03 April 1952 - His recording - https://www.brighteon.com/09c6ecf5-9a23-414b-aab4-d50239c08dfb
Reich rediscovered something that was known since thousands of years. The description given to this energy, sound very similar of what Chinese have discovered and called Chi or Indians have discovered and called Prana or Greeks have discovered and called ether (αιθέρας).
What is an orgone energy accumulator
http://mirkokulig.com/video-what-is-an-orgone-energy-accumulator/ (mirror)
DEC 2019 - Mirko Kulig wrote :
To get a comprehensive idea of orgone energy I would recommend to read : -The Function of the orgasm -The cancer biopathy -The bion experiments -The oranur experiment -Contact with space To get a wider understanding of orgone, you can also read The etheric formative forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man, from Guenther Wachsmuth (free download at https://magneticuniverse.com/uploads/FileUpload/f1/4c3770827d3df2c5f60824bb48e80d.pdf). What is interesting about this last book is that the origin is completely different from Reich’s, being it a book based on Rudolf Steiner’s research, so more on the spiritual side than on the experimental side (as was Reich’s work). Amazingly, Wachsmuth presents 4 different types of ether, and one of them, the chemical ether, is described in a very similar way as Reich does. The color is the same, the association with water and clouds is the same, even the times of “inbreathing” and “outbreathing” of orgone from the earth is the same.
MAR 2020 - Mirko Kulig wrote :
I would recommend to first of all download and read Reich’s original booklet on the orgone accumulator that you can find here: https://arteorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/07-The-Orgone-Energy-Accumulator-its-Scientific-and-Medical-Use-1951.pdf
The blanket has been used with benefit for the following ailments:
Wounds (Apply Immediately For Best Results)
Insect Bites (Apply Immediately For Best Results)
Muscle Sprain
Bone Pains
Ligament Pains
Abdominal Pain (Stomach, Intestines)
Menstrual Pain
Solar Burns
Sore Throat
Arthritis (It Is A Long Process Of Regular Use For Months)
Bone Fractures (The Healing Process Can Be Accelerated By Regular Application Of Orgone Therapy)
People with blood pressure should not try it.
more videos on his blog – http://mirkokulig.com/tag/orgone-accumulator/
The oranur experiment in Greek
origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=17676 wilhelm-reich-orgone-accumulator