Posts which *buntu to pick?

which *buntu to pick?

Ubuntu uses a user interface (or desktop environment) called Gnome. Gnome is focused on simplicity and usability. Ubuntu includes a bunch of Gnome-native applications such as Rhythmbox (music player), and Gedit (text editor). You can find the full list of software packages in ubuntu-desktop here.

Kubuntu uses the K Desktop Environment (also known as KDE). KDE is focused on including a lot of point-and-click configuration options immediately available to end users. Kubuntu includes a bunch of KDE-native applications such as Amarok (music player), K3B (CD burning), and rekonq (web browser). You can find the full list of software packages in kubuntu-desktop here.

Xubuntu uses the Xfce desktop environment, which is a lighter one than Gnome or KDE. In terms of its design principles, it has a bit of a balance—presenting in some ways more point-and-click configuration options than Gnome but also retaining some of the simplicity of Gnome. Its main appeal is its speed, though, and it’s ideal for systems with 256 MB to 512 MB of RAM. Both Ubuntu and Kubuntu can run on 512 MB of RAM, but they’re more ideal for 1 GB of RAM or more. Xubuntu includes Thunar (file manager), Thunderbird (email client), and Leafpad (text editor). You can find a full list of software packages in xubuntu-desktop here.

Lubuntu uses the LXDE desktop environment, which is a lighter one than Gnome, KDE, and even Xfce. This is ideal for low-memory systems. Lubuntu can work speedily on even 128 MB of RAM. Lubuntu includes pcmanfm (file manager), Sylpheed (email client), and Leafpad (text editor). You can find a full list of software packages in xubuntu-desktop here.

Edubuntu uses the Gnome desktop environment but has a different set of default applications from Ubuntu. Its focus is on educational tools. It includes Kolourpaint (an easy to use paint program), Atomix (a puzzle game for building molecules out of isolated atoms), and Xaos (a real-time interactive fractal zoomer). You can find a full list of software packages in edubuntu-desktop here.

Ubuntu Server Edition is a command-line interface that is designed for people running Linux servers. It is outside the scope of these tutorials.

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How do I change my keyboard shortcuts in xubuntu?

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