Posts WebMemex


Browser extension has been released, with as its first main feature: local web page preservation. If I find an important page on the web, storing it is never easy, and I remain dependent on others to provide it when I need it. If the original source stops serving it, it may simply be lost — almost as if a book would disappear when its author retires.

This extension attempts to turn the browser into an offline-first knowledge management tool. It can store web pages you visit on your computer by ‘freeze-drying’ them: removing scripts and thus most interactive behaviour, but inlining all images and stylesheets to let you save the page exactly the way you saw it.

The extension stores the data using PouchDB this means somewhere there :

C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\IndexedDB\chrome-extension_dmkhpphjjbjgalkmaolgngobjlmfggfg

on chrome debug window > Application > Storage IndexedDB (ref -

origin - webmemex

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