Posts The Garmin Hack Was a Warning

The Garmin Hack Was a Warning

In 2017, WannaCry swept the globe before intrepid hacker Marcus Hutchins found and activated its kill switch. That same year, NotPetya caused billions of dollars of damage at multinational corporations like Maersk and Merck, although the ransomware aspect turned out to be a front for a vicious data-wiper. Time appears to have emboldened some hackers, however, as large companies take their place on the list of popular targets, alongside hospitals and local governments.

Emsisoft estimates that ransomware attackers collectively took in $25 billion last year.

The WastedLocker hackers reportedly demanded $10 million for the keys to liberate Garmin’s systems. Sky News reported that the company ultimately paid, likely through an intermediary. Garmin has declined to comment much beyond confirming that a cyberattack did occur.

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