Posts The Boys Are Not All Right

The Boys Are Not All Right


So in 2013, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business published a paper that looked at 4,000 married couples in America. It found that once a woman started to earn more than her husband, divorce rates increased.

So the researchers are kind of looking for theories that can explain that middle bit to see if there really is a causation thing here. So everyone knows, on average, - or at least I think most people know - that American women spend more time on housework than men, about 44 minutes more every day. But here’s the weird thing. The researchers found that the gap in housework got even larger when the woman was the primary earner.

So if the woman is earning a lot more money, or just more money, she’s doing even more housework?…The gap between how much she’s doing versus how much the man is doing is even bigger.

So the author found that a man is more likely to cheat on his partner if he is more financially dependent on her. And men who are completely dependent on their girlfriends or wives are five times more likely to cheat than men who earn the same amount as their partners.


@BoinkBoinkEtAliae The prevailing theory about the causes for these factors being that when a woman out earns her husband, she does more housework to keep him from feeling emasculated, and he also cheats to feel more masculine.

TIFU by asking my “gf” why she was feeling sad

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