Posts SSMS - Import excel file gets some values as null

SSMS - Import excel file gets some values as null

The only way I found to resolve the problem is to move your rows around in the Excel sheet so that the first 5 / 10 rows have an even (or close to even) number of different values for that column. So, the first 2 rows would be decimal, the next two would be character. This way, SSIS defaults to the character as the best way of picking up all values.

I have tried (in SSIS) to change all the datatypes around, but I still only ever got nulls until I did the above. Excel is horrible to insert from. If this is going to be a constant, automated process, I’d get the people providing the Excel sheet to instead provide a delimited CSV file. At least with a CSV file, you can change the datatypes in SSIS and still get the values you’re looking for.

src -

copy rows with headers from excel and paste it to or

create at glance the insert queries\1

origin - ssms-import-excel-file-gets-some-values-as-null

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