Posts Roboform to KeePass

Roboform to KeePass

In our days we like to carry all the information on mobile.. What about the roboform passcards (mine are 837!) ?? The folowing technique is the same either on v6.x or v7.x

v6.x snap152

v7.x snap154

Export > Save snap153

then you have to use KeePass v2.x (the one built on .net, the v1.x havent to import from roboform html) tested versions : KeePass-v2.25 / KeePass-v2.30

-open the application -create new dbase -import from roboform html > export as v1.x format! if you plan to use it via

Roboform v7.9.32 (last of 7.x)

origin - app-roboform-to-keepass

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