Posts Pharmaceutical Companies Explained by Dr Rath

Pharmaceutical Companies Explained by Dr Rath

Dr Rath - Fight against cartel (2012)


ref - » Important Books > Read Online ref - ref - ref -

GMO = Genetically modified organism (Μεταλλαγμένα ή αλλιώς γενετικά τροποποιημένοι οργανισμοί)

2019 - I was a drug rep. I know how pharma companies pushed opioids

2019 - More than half of all US doctors get money from pharma each year

2019 - Big Pharma is using faux generics to keep drug prices high

2017 Bayer bought Monsanto…66Billions.. now they have the seeds as well…

10 corporations Control Almost Everything You Buy (src)

Food Brands Owned by Monsanto

2018 Monsanto Marijuana Takeover: Bayer Monasanto Buying Hydroponics Companies Now

2018 How Monsanto & Bayer Are Trying To Take Over The Cannabis Industry

2014 Seeds and Patents on Life

2014 world’s biggest agrochemicals companies

1996 - 2013 Seed Industry Structure  (src)

Shadow World (2016) Documentary is an investigation into the multi-billion dollar international arms trade.

Out of Shadows (2020) (IMDB) An expose on how Hollywood and the mainstream media manipulate the multitudes by spreading propaganda throughout their content. The CFR and the Media - Kevin Shipp - MKUltra - Liz Crokin

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