Posts o[NSFW] What-s the kinkiest thing you-ve ever done?

o[NSFW] What-s the kinkiest thing you-ve ever done?

Rustworthy89 said :

Met a woman online who wanted a FWB. We hit it off chatting but she was afraid that since I was shorter than her she would have a hard time being attracted to me. I suggested that we “have sex before we meet” which lead to the most intense sex I’ve ever had. Basically, this woman I had never met before went to a hotel room, got naked, and blindfolded herself while waiting for me to arrive. When I got there I walked into a room where a woman I had never seen before was naked and masturbating while waiting for me to have sex with her.

origin - nsfw-whats-the-kinkiest-thing-youve-ever-done

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