Posts Love letter to Vue

Love letter to Vue

AngularJS is also notorious for being highly opinionated about how your entire application should be structured, forcing many competent developers into stifling vocabularies of design patterns — things like “factories”, “services”, “providers” — that are neither wanted nor needed. I understand that this is sometimes viewed as a selling point because it imposes discipline and more homogenous, shared vocabularies on front-end teams with an entry-level skill set, but it is incredibly stifling and bureaucratic to people who know what they’re doing.

Angular 2.x (itself now obsolete!) went completely off the rails with the boilerplate, complexity, build tooling, and Byzantine structure required just to get started. I understand what the Angular people are trying to do, catering to the sensibilities of large enterprise projects. However, in the course of doing it, I fear they’ve lost their minds. “Make it more Enterprise™” is a common trap in the “evolution” of libraries and tools. Angular 2/4 is a completely over-engineered trainwreck.

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