Posts Lighting up cardiovascular problems using nanoparticles

Lighting up cardiovascular problems using nanoparticles

Heart disease and stroke are the world’s two most deadly diseases, causing over 15 million deaths in 2016 according to the World Health Organization. When atherosclerosis occurs in coronary arteries, blockages due to plaque or calcification-induced ruptures can lead to a clot, cutting blood flow to the heart, which is the cause of most heart attacks. When the condition occurs in the vessels leading to the brain, it can cause a stroke.

An artery doesn’t need to be 80 percent blocked to be dangerous. An artery with 45% blockage by plaques could be more rupture-prone. Just because it’s a big plaque doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an unstable plaque.

origin - lighting-up-cardiovascular-problems-using-nanoparticles

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