Posts Learning BASIC Like It-s 1983

Learning BASIC Like It-s 1983

What would it have been like to encounter computers for the first time in the early 1980s?

Many famous programmers, particularly in the video game industry, started programming games in childhood on 8-bit computers like the Apple II and the Commodore 64. John Romero, Richard Garriott, and Chris Roberts are all examples. It’s easy to see how this happened. In the 8-bit computer era, many games were available only as printed BASIC listings in computer magazines and books.

1983 Family finances in MultiPlan, the spreadsheet program

till trying to connect the Commodore to the TV set and wondering whether the TV’s antenna cable was the 75-ohm or 300-ohm coax type. But eventually you were able to turn your TV to channel 3 and see a grainy, purple image.

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