Posts Kellyethridge.VBCorLib


Is a Visual Basic 6 implementation of many classes found in the .NET framework. The classes within VBCorLib can be used nearly identically as the .NET counterpart. This allows for easy data sharing between a .NET application and VB6.

-Provides several collection types: ArrayList, Stack, Queue and Hashtable. -Provides several encryption algorithms: Rijndael, RSA, TripleDES, DES. -Provides many hashing algorithms: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA516, RIPMED160, MD5. -Sign and verify data using HMAC. -Provides easy access to many encodings for text and file handling: UTF8, UTF7, UTF16, and Windows supported encodings. -Easy String, Array and Date manipulation with a variety of functions. -Manipulate files with a variety of file handling classes. -Handles files larger than 2 gigs. -Provides a BigInteger to perform large calculations. -Provides easy access to a console window, and much more… or

origin - kellyethridge-vbcorlib

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