Posts Is Facebook-s time over? Will a competitor step up?

Is Facebook-s time over? Will a competitor step up?

The world is sick of centralised entities taking advantage of our trust and complacency. Facebook is imploding, now the Centre For Digital Democracy has requested for the FTC to investigate Google’s YouTube for the illegal collection of personal data from children. Centralised giants are being ousted one after the other. Snapchat, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and even Reddit are all guilty of selling and/or suppressing information.

This is not the first time social media users have called for decentralised alternatives. Two years ago a blog on Steemit, a decentralised blogging and social media website that launched in July 2016, reported there were 5 up and coming decentralised social media platforms. None of them are yet to catch fire.

We had no reason to leave MySpace, it was amazing until Facebook came along and as much as social media users are pained by their personal data being sold and even manipulating their consumption of information, they have not been given an alternative.

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