Posts Iris - Protect your Eyes. Be Healthy. Achieve more

Iris - Protect your Eyes. Be Healthy. Achieve more

Prevent Eye strain / Reduce Eye pain

Iris will gradually regulate blue light day and night. This will help your body to produce more melatonin at night. You will fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

Studies show that exposure to blue light a couple of hours before bedtime actually suppresses melatonin and delays deep REM sleep significantly. So cutting back on tech use at night means getting better sleep, making people more productive at both work and school. (ref)

It has 3 flavors :

micro - command line mini - This is the entire Iris mini, no ui, no buttons, no many confusing options. What Iris does at night is based on your location it makes your screen a little more yellow or red depending on the value of the color temperature. This is like other softwares f.lux, Night Shift and other blue light blocking softwares. normal as mini with timer for breaks.

RULES: -for best results you must set the monitor brightness to 100% (src1  src2) (Im running the application on 3400K with 80 brightness - full satisfied) -Lower K - better for your eyes!

FAQ: -How to see the Low K working - you will see the effect when clicking the ‘Use low-level Color API’ -

official github repository

warning, the GUI versions on the beginning warn user to restart windows, because modify something, at website explains :

there is one file named gamma_ramp.reg, this will remove one limitation of the graphics drivers.

Setting a color temperature lower than 4500K, is not possible without applying the GdiIcmGammaRange registry fix (microsoft protecting the user against evil programs that invert the colors, blank the display, or play some other annoying trick with the gamma ramps src). After applied, restart required.

the GUI version needed to detect the day/night hours, the commandline version (micro) is 18kb (mirror), you execute the needed batch file the application makes the needed adjustments and exits!

-Using the micro application, I found that when I lock the workstation (CTRL+L) and unlock it (after 5min) the adjustments made by micro application doesnt take place, I got a normal full brightness 100% view and I have to rerun the application every time I logon. -This is normal (after unlock) and it’s fixed in Iris and Iris mini, Bug in the OS not by product.


There is a bit of confusion about cooler and warmer color temperature. First of all color temperature is measured in Kelvins(K). Cooler temperature means higher value like 6500K (No blue light reduction) and warmer means lower values like 1900K (Candle light). src



ref - ref - ref - + ref - Blue Light: It’s Both Bad And Good For You ref - Computer Vision Syndrome and Digital Eye Strain: Mitigating the Damage ref - Is Fluorescent Light Bad For You ref - Save Your Eyes - Change Your Light Bulbs ref - Philips.Hue 16 million colors to instantly change the look and atmosphere of any room in your home

here the author explains 100% what happening :

the effect is that blue light acts almost like a drug

continue reading

What is gamma and what is it for?

At the end of the graphics pipeline, just where the image leaves the computer to make its journey along the monitor cable, there is a small piece of hardware that can transform pixel values on the fly. This hardware typically uses a lookup table to transform the pixels. This hardware uses the red, green and blue values that come from the surface to be displayed to look up gamma-corrected values in the table and then sends the corrected values to the monitor instead of the actual surface values. So, this lookup table is an opportunity to replace any color with any other color. While the table has that level of power, the typical usage is to tweak images subtly to compensate for differences in the monitor’s response. The monitor’s response is the function that relates the numerical value of the red, green and blue components of a pixel with that pixel’s displayed brightness. (src) (ref)

Laszlo Pusztai - Stop losing display calibration with Windows 7 (tested - no working on all machines)

Screen Saver Timeout    Disable Windows Display Turn Off Win7 Sleep Return Timeout for Unattended Wake Up    Win10 Keeps going into sleep after 1 minute idle

Sony VAIO, the users confirm that this working : VAIO Control Center > Display> Color mode setting > Deselect: Change to optimal color mode automatically

Intel Chipset, follow the instructions here

The same can be achieved by ICC profile (windows pure solution)

bookmarked : Windows Gamma Table Bug (possible happening only on Intel Chipsets only) Applications to create ICC Monitor Profile (International Color Consortium) A Guide to HDTVs (more about Gamma) Windows7 - Task WindowsColorSystem by Microsoft is disabled cvillalta wrote :


  1. Open Task Scheduler.
  2. Go to Task Scheduler Library, Microsoft, Windows, WindowsColorSystem.
  3. Double click the only task listed there: Calibration Loader.
  4. Click the Triggers tab, and then the New… button.
  5. Change the “Begin the task” option to “On workstation unlock”, and then click OK twice. [/code]

Youtube - Your smartphone is blinding you, here’s what to do University of Toledo - Blue light excited retinal intercepts cellular signaling

applications for ICC & calibration (load/sava .icc) (projector calibration) (some functions of displaycal+hcfr use it)  srcDisplayProfile (change ICC on the fly)  mirror1  mirror2 Using ICC Profiles in Windows  PDF edition with Control Panel instructions Installing an ICC profile on Microsoft Windows

Computer reading glasses for eye strain

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Dell 24 Monitor: P2418D - Using this monitor, plain, no more troubles with my eyes

‘Night Mode’ light is more harmful for eyes and affects sleep cycle: Study According to University of Manchester

On TV LED 40’ JVC LT40V550, goto to ‘Picture’, restore defaults by clicking ‘Reset’, to target 3400K set Mode: Dynamic (so save the changes you will make to RGB) Temperature : WARM Go to Advanced Settings, the RGB should be R: 16 (no modification) G: 10 (suggested 15, but was too yellow, thanks Daniel for the tips!) B: 5

How to make a television backlit by candle light!


origin - iris-protect-your-eyes-be-healthy-achieve-more

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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