Posts How to fix Boot BCD startup errors on Windows PCs

How to fix Boot BCD startup errors on Windows PCs

bootrec /fixmbr – This option writes a MBR to the system partition but does not overwrite the system partition in the process. It fixes MBR corruption and issues with non-standard MBR code.

bootrec /fixboot – This options writes a new boot sector to the system partition. Fixes damaged boot sectors, non-standard boot sectors, and issues caused by the installation of earlier Windows operating systems (pre-Vista). Ignore any error that may come up.

bootrec /rebuildbcd – This options scans all connected hard drives for Windows installations. If it finds additional installations, prompts you to add them to the BCD Store. Windows should pick up the installed operating system. Make sure you add it to the BCD store. Select (a) for all during the prompt, or add installations individually instead.

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origin - how-to-fix-boot-bcd-startup-errors-on-windows-pcs

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