references (WARNING File Encoding must be UTF8)
1-Go to GoogleSheets > create New 2-Tools Script Editor 3-Paste the following JS snippet, save it as ImportJSON
4-return back to Sheet, go to a cell and write
at first, maybe doesnt appear at autocomplete
but will work..
```js /==================================================================================================================================== ImportJSON by Trevor Lohrbeer (@FastFedora) ==================================================================================================================================== Version: 1.2.1 Project Page: Copyright: (c) 2012-2013 by Trevor Lohrbeer License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0) ———————————————————————————————————————————— A library for importing JSON feeds into Google spreadsheets. Functions include:
ImportJSON For use by end users to import a JSON feed from a URL
ImportJSONViaPost For use by end users to import a JSON feed from a URL using POST parameters
ImportJSONAdvanced For use by script developers to easily extend the functionality of this library
Future enhancements may include:
- Support for a real XPath like syntax similar to ImportXML for the query parameter
- Support for OAuth authenticated APIs (see AddOAuthService__ function for failed experiment)
Or feel free to write these and add on to the library yourself! ———————————————————————————————————————————— Changelog:
1.2.1 Fixed a bug with how nested arrays are handled. The rowIndex counter wasn’t incrementing properly when parsing. 1.2.0 Added ImportJSONViaPost and support for fetchOptions to ImportJSONAdvanced 1.1.1 Added a version number using Google Scripts Versioning so other developers can use the library 1.1 Added support for the noHeaders option 1.0 Initial release ====================================================================================================================================/ /**
- Imports a JSON feed and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is flattened to create
- a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to that data in
- the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data.
- By default, data gets transformed so it looks more like a normal data import. Specifically: *
- Data from parent JSON elements gets inherited to their child elements, so rows representing child elements contain the values
- of the rows representing their parent elements.
- Values longer than 256 characters get truncated.
- Headers have slashes converted to spaces, common prefixes removed and the resulting text converted to title case. *
- To change this behavior, pass in one of these values in the options parameter: *
- noInherit: Don’t inherit values from parent elements
- noTruncate: Don’t truncate values
- rawHeaders: Don’t prettify headers
- noHeaders: Don’t include headers, only the data
- debugLocation: Prepend each value with the row & column it belongs in *
- For example: *
- =ImportJSON(“”, “/feed/entry/title,/feed/entry/content”,
- “noInherit,noTruncate,rawHeaders”)
- @param {url} the URL to a public JSON feed
- @param {query} a comma-separated list of paths to import. Any path starting with one of these paths gets imported.
- @param {parseOptions} a comma-separated list of options that alter processing of the data *
- @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers **/ function ImportJSON(url, query, parseOptions) { return ImportJSONAdvanced(url, null, query, parseOptions, includeXPath_, defaultTransform_); }
- Imports a JSON feed via a POST request and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is
- flattened to create a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to
- that data in the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data. *
- To retrieve the JSON, a POST request is sent to the URL and the payload is passed as the content of the request using the content
- type “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”. If the fetchOptions define a value for “method”, “payload” or “contentType”, these
- values will take precedent. For example, advanced users can use this to make this function pass XML as the payload using a GET
- request and a content type of “application/xml; charset=utf-8”. For more information on the available fetch options, see
- . At this time the “headers” option is not supported.
- By default, the returned data gets transformed so it looks more like a normal data import. Specifically: *
- Data from parent JSON elements gets inherited to their child elements, so rows representing child elements contain the values
- of the rows representing their parent elements.
- Values longer than 256 characters get truncated.
- Headers have slashes converted to spaces, common prefixes removed and the resulting text converted to title case. *
- To change this behavior, pass in one of these values in the options parameter: *
- noInherit: Don’t inherit values from parent elements
- noTruncate: Don’t truncate values
- rawHeaders: Don’t prettify headers
- noHeaders: Don’t include headers, only the data
- debugLocation: Prepend each value with the row & column it belongs in *
- For example: *
- =ImportJSON(“”, “user=bob&apikey=xxxx”,
- “validateHttpsCertificates=false”, “/feed/entry/title,/feed/entry/content”, “noInherit,noTruncate,rawHeaders”)
- @param {url} the URL to a public JSON feed
- @param {payload} the content to pass with the POST request; usually a URL encoded list of parameters separated by ampersands
- @param {fetchOptions} a comma-separated list of options used to retrieve the JSON feed from the URL
- @param {query} a comma-separated list of paths to import. Any path starting with one of these paths gets imported.
- @param {parseOptions} a comma-separated list of options that alter processing of the data *
- @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers **/ function ImportJSONViaPost(url, payload, fetchOptions, query, parseOptions) { var postOptions = parseToObject_(fetchOptions);
if (postOptions[“method”] == null) { postOptions[“method”] = “POST”; }
if (postOptions[“payload”] == null) { postOptions[“payload”] = payload; }
if (postOptions[“contentType”] == null) { postOptions[“contentType”] = “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”; }
convertToBool_(postOptions, “validateHttpsCertificates”); convertToBool_(postOptions, “useIntranet”); convertToBool_(postOptions, “followRedirects”); convertToBool_(postOptions, “muteHttpExceptions”);
return ImportJSONAdvanced(url, postOptions, query, parseOptions, includeXPath_, defaultTransform_); }
- An advanced version of ImportJSON designed to be easily extended by a script. This version cannot be called from within a
- spreadsheet.
- Imports a JSON feed and returns the results to be inserted into a Google Spreadsheet. The JSON feed is flattened to create
- a two-dimensional array. The first row contains the headers, with each column header indicating the path to that data in
- the JSON feed. The remaining rows contain the data. *
- The fetchOptions can be used to change how the JSON feed is retrieved. For instance, the “method” and “payload” options can be
- set to pass a POST request with post parameters. For more information on the available parameters, see
- . *
- Use the include and transformation functions to determine what to include in the import and how to transform the data after it is
- imported. *
- For example: *
- ImportJSON(“”,
- new Object() { “method” : “post”, “payload” : “user=bob&apikey=xxxx” },
- “/feed/entry”,
- ””,
- function (query, path) { return path.indexOf(query) == 0; },
- function (data, row, column) { data[row][column] = data[row][column].toString().substr(0, 100); } ) *
- In this example, the import function checks to see if the path to the data being imported starts with the query. The transform
- function takes the data and truncates it. For more robust versions of these functions, see the internal code of this library. *
- @param {url} the URL to a public JSON feed
- @param {fetchOptions} an object whose properties are options used to retrieve the JSON feed from the URL
- @param {query} the query passed to the include function
- @param {parseOptions} a comma-separated list of options that may alter processing of the data
- @param {includeFunc} a function with the signature func(query, path, options) that returns true if the data element at the given path
- should be included or false otherwise.
- @param {transformFunc} a function with the signature func(data, row, column, options) where data is a 2-dimensional array of the data
- and row & column are the current row and column being processed. Any return value is ignored. Note that row 0
- contains the headers for the data, so test for row==0 to process headers only. *
- @return a two-dimensional array containing the data, with the first row containing headers **/ function ImportJSONAdvanced(url, fetchOptions, query, parseOptions, includeFunc, transformFunc) { var jsondata = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, fetchOptions); var object = JSON.parse(jsondata.getContentText());
return parseJSONObject_(object, query, parseOptions, includeFunc, transformFunc); }
- Encodes the given value to use within a URL. *
- @param {value} the value to be encoded
- @return the value encoded using URL percent-encoding */ function URLEncode(value) { return encodeURIComponent(value.toString());
- Adds an oAuth service using the given name and the list of properties. *
- @note This method is an experiment in trying to figure out how to add an oAuth service without having to specify it on each
- ImportJSON call. The idea was to call this method in the first cell of a spreadsheet, and then use ImportJSON in other
- cells. This didn’t work, but leaving this in here for further experimentation later. *
- The test I did was to add the following into the A1:
- =AddOAuthService(“twitter”, “”,
- “”, “”,
- “
", " ", "", "") * - Information on obtaining a consumer key & secret for Twitter can be found at *
- Then I added the following into A2: *
- =ImportJSONViaPost(“”, “”,
- “oAuthServiceName=twitter,oAuthUseToken=always”, “/”, “”) *
- I received an error that the “oAuthServiceName” was not a valid value. [twl 18.Apr.13] */ function AddOAuthService__(name, accessTokenUrl, requestTokenUrl, authorizationUrl, consumerKey, consumerSecret, method, paramLocation) { var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(name);
if (accessTokenUrl != null && accessTokenUrl.length > 0) { oAuthConfig.setAccessTokenUrl(accessTokenUrl); }
if (requestTokenUrl != null && requestTokenUrl.length > 0) { oAuthConfig.setRequestTokenUrl(requestTokenUrl); }
if (authorizationUrl != null && authorizationUrl.length > 0) { oAuthConfig.setAuthorizationUrl(authorizationUrl); }
if (consumerKey != null && consumerKey.length > 0) { oAuthConfig.setConsumerKey(consumerKey); }
if (consumerSecret != null && consumerSecret.length > 0) { oAuthConfig.setConsumerSecret(consumerSecret); }
if (method != null && method.length > 0) { oAuthConfig.setMethod(method); }
if (paramLocation != null && paramLocation.length > 0) { oAuthConfig.setParamLocation(paramLocation); } }
- Parses a JSON object and returns a two-dimensional array containing the data of that object. */ function parseJSONObject_(object, query, options, includeFunc, transformFunc) { var headers = new Array(); var data = new Array();
if (query && !Array.isArray(query) && query.toString().indexOf(“,”) != -1) { query = query.toString().split(“,”); }
if (options) { options = options.toString().split(“,”); }
parseData_(headers, data, “”, {rowIndex: 1}, object, query, options, includeFunc); parseHeaders_(headers, data); transformData_(data, options, transformFunc);
return hasOption_(options, “noHeaders”) ? (data.length > 1 ? data.slice(1) : new Array()) : data; }
- Parses the data contained within the given value and inserts it into the data two-dimensional array starting at the rowIndex.
- If the data is to be inserted into a new column, a new header is added to the headers array. The value can be an object,
- array or scalar value. *
- If the value is an object, it’s properties are iterated through and passed back into this function with the name of each
- property extending the path. For instance, if the object contains the property “entry” and the path passed in was “/feed”,
- this function is called with the value of the entry property and the path “/feed/entry”. *
- If the value is an array containing other arrays or objects, each element in the array is passed into this function with
- the rowIndex incremeneted for each element. *
- If the value is an array containing only scalar values, those values are joined together and inserted into the data array as
- a single value. *
- If the value is a scalar, the value is inserted directly into the data array. */ function parseData_(headers, data, path, state, value, query, options, includeFunc) { var dataInserted = false;
if (Array.isArray(value) && isObjectArray_(value)) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length;=”” i++)=”” {=”” if=”” (parsedata_(headers,=”” data,=”” path,=”” state,=”” value[i],=”” query,=”” options,=”” includefunc))=”” {=”” datainserted=”true;” if=”” (i=””> 0 && data[state.rowIndex]) { state.rowIndex++; } } } } else if (isObject_(value)) { for (key in value) { if (parseData_(headers, data, path + “/” + key, state, value[key], query, options, includeFunc)) { dataInserted = true; } } } else if (!includeFunc || includeFunc(query, path, options)) { // Handle arrays containing only scalar values if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value.join(); }
// Insert new row if one doesn't already exist
if (!data[state.rowIndex]) {
data[state.rowIndex] = new Array();
// Add a new header if one doesn't exist
if (!headers[path] && headers[path] != 0) {
headers[path] = Object.keys(headers).length;
// Insert the data
data[state.rowIndex][headers[path]] = value;
dataInserted = true; }
return dataInserted; }
- Parses the headers array and inserts it into the first row of the data array. */ function parseHeaders_(headers, data) { data[0] = new Array();
for (key in headers) { data[0][headers[key]] = key; } }
Applies the transform function for each element in the data array, going through each column of each row. */ function transformData_(data, options, transformFunc) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length;=”” i++)=”” {=”” for=”” (var=”” j=”0;” j=””>< data[i].length;=”” j++)=”” {=”” transformfunc(data,=”” i,=”” j,=”” options);=”” }=”” }=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” returns=”” true=”” if=”” the=”” given=”” test=”” value=”” is=”” an=”” object;=”” false=”” otherwise.=”” */=”” function=”” isobject_(test)=”” {=”” return=”””==” ‘[object=”” object]’;=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” returns=”” true=”” if=”” the=”” given=”” test=”” value=”” is=”” an=”” array=”” containing=”” at=”” least=”” one=”” object;=”” false=”” otherwise.=”” */=”” function=”” isobjectarray_(test)=”” {=”” for=”” (var=”” i=”0;” i=””>< test.length;=”” i++)=”” {=”” if=”” (isobject_(test[i]))=”” {=”” return=”” true;=”” }=”” }=”” return=”” false;=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” returns=”” true=”” if=”” the=”” given=”” query=”” applies=”” to=”” the=”” given=”” path.=”” */=”” function=”” includexpath_(query,=”” path,=”” options)=”” {=”” if=”” (!query)=”” {=”” return=”” true;=”” }=”” else=”” if=”” (array.isarray(query))=”” {=”” for=”” (var=”” i=”0;” i=””>< query.length;=”” i++)=”” {=”” if=”” (applyxpathrule_(query[i],=”” path,=”” options))=”” {=”” return=”” true;=”” }=”” }=”” }=”” else=”” {=”” return=”” applyxpathrule_(query,=”” path,=”” options);=”” }=”” return=”” false;=”” };=”” **=”” *=”” returns=”” true=”” if=”” the=”” rule=”” applies=”” to=”” the=”” given=”” path.=”” */=”” function=”” applyxpathrule_(rule,=”” path,=”” options)=”” {=”” return=”” path.indexof(rule)=”=” 0;=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” by=”” default,=”” this=”” function=”” transforms=”” the=”” value=”” at=”” the=”” given=”” row=”” &=”” column=”” so=”” it=”” looks=”” more=”” like=”” a=”” normal=”” data=”” import.=”” specifically:=”” *=”” *=”” -=”” data=”” from=”” parent=”” json=”” elements=”” gets=”” inherited=”” to=”” their=”” child=”” elements,=”” so=”” rows=”” representing=”” child=”” elements=”” contain=”” the=”” values=”” *=”” of=”” the=”” rows=”” representing=”” their=”” parent=”” elements.=”” *=”” -=”” values=”” longer=”” than=”” 256=”” characters=”” get=”” truncated.=”” *=”” -=”” values=”” in=”” row=”” 0=”” (headers)=”” have=”” slashes=”” converted=”” to=”” spaces,=”” common=”” prefixes=”” removed=”” and=”” the=”” resulting=”” text=”” converted=”” to=”” title=”” *=”” case.=”” *=”” *=”” to=”” change=”” this=”” behavior,=”” pass=”” in=”” one=”” of=”” these=”” values=”” in=”” the=”” options=”” parameter:=”” *=”” *=”” noinherit:=”” don’t=”” inherit=”” values=”” from=”” parent=”” elements=”” *=”” notruncate:=”” don’t=”” truncate=”” values=”” *=”” rawheaders:=”” don’t=”” prettify=”” headers=”” *=”” debuglocation:=”” prepend=”” each=”” value=”” with=”” the=”” row=”” &=”” column=”” it=”” belongs=”” in=”” */=”” function=”” defaulttransform_(data,=”” row,=”” column,=”” options)=”” {=”” if=”” (!data[row][column])=”” {=”” if=”” (row=””>< 2=”” ||=”” hasoption_(options,=”” “noinherit”))=”” {=”” data[row][column]=”” ;=”” }=”” else=”” {=”” data[row][column]=”data[row-1][column];” }=”” }=”” if=”” (!hasoption_(options,=”” “rawheaders”)=”” &&=”” row=”=” 0)=”” {=”” if=”” (column=”=” 0=”” &&=”” data[row].length=””> 1) { removeCommonPrefixes_(data, row);
}data[row][column] = toTitleCase_(data[row][column].toString().replace(/[\/_]/g, “ “)); }
if (!hasOption_(options, “noTruncate”) && data[row][column]) { data[row][column] = data[row][column].toString().substr(0, 256); }
if (hasOption_(options, “debugLocation”)) { data[row][column] = “[” + row + “,” + column + “]” + data[row][column]; } }
- If all the values in the given row share the same prefix, remove that prefix. */ function removeCommonPrefixes_(data, row) { var matchIndex = data[row][0].length;
for (var i = 1; i < data[row].length;=”” i++)=”” {=”” matchindex=”findEqualityEndpoint_(data[row][i-1],” data[row][i],=”” matchindex);=”” if=”” (matchindex=”=” 0)=”” {=”” return;=”” }=”” }=”” for=”” (var=”” i=”0;” i=””>< data[row].length;=”” i++)=”” {=”” data[row][i]=”data[row][i].substring(matchIndex,” data[row][i].length);=”” }=”” }=”” *=”” *=”” locates=”” the=”” index=”” where=”” the=”” two=”” strings=”” values=”” stop=”” being=”” equal,=”” stopping=”” automatically=”” at=”” the=”” stopat=”” index.=”” */=”” function=”” findequalityendpoint_(string1,=”” string2,=”” stopat)=”” {=”” if=”” (!string1=”” ||=”” !string2)=”” {=”” return=”” -1;=”” }=”” var=”” maxendpoint=”Math.min(stopAt,” string1.length,=”” string2.length);=”” for=”” (var=”” i=”0;” i=””>< maxendpoint;=”” i++)=”” {=”” if=”” (string1.charat(i)=”” !=”string2.charAt(i))” {=”” return=”” i;=”” }=”” }=”” return=”” maxendpoint;=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” converts=”” the=”” text=”” to=”” title=”” case.=”” */=”” function=”” totitlecase_(text)=”” {=”” if=”” (text=”=” null)=”” {=”” return=”” null;=”” }=”” return=”” text.replace(/\w\s/g,=”” function(word)=”” {=”” return=”” word.charat(0).touppercase()=”” +=”” word.substr(1).tolowercase();=”” });=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” returns=”” true=”” if=”” the=”” given=”” set=”” of=”” options=”” contains=”” the=”” given=”” option.=”” */=”” function=”” hasoption_(options,=”” option)=”” {=”” return=”” options=”” &&=”” options.indexof(option)=””>= 0; }
- Parses the given string into an object, trimming any leading or trailing spaces from the keys. */ function parseToObject_(text) { var map = new Object(); var entries = (text != null && text.trim().length > 0) ? text.toString().split(“,”) : new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length;=”” i++)=”” {=”” addtomap_(map,=”” entries[i]);=”” }=”” return=”” map;=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” parses=”” the=”” given=”” entry=”” and=”” adds=”” it=”” to=”” the=”” given=”” map,=”” trimming=”” any=”” leading=”” or=”” trailing=”” spaces=”” from=”” the=”” key.=”” */=”” function=”” addtomap_(map,=”” entry)=”” {=”” var=”” equalsindex=”entry.indexOf(“ =”);”=”” var=”” key=”(equalsIndex” !=”-1)” entry.substring(0,=”” equalsindex)=”” :=”” entry;=”” var=”” value=”(key.length” +=”” 1=””>< entry.length)=”” entry.substring(key.length=”” +=”” 1)=”” :=”” “”;=”” map[key.trim()]=”value;” }=”” **=”” *=”” returns=”” the=”” given=”” value=”” as=”” a=”” boolean.=”” */=”” function=”” tobool_(value)=”” {=”” return=”” value=”=” null=”” false=”” :=”” (value.tostring().tolowercase()=”=” “true”=”” true=”” :=”” false);=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” converts=”” the=”” value=”” for=”” the=”” given=”” key=”” in=”” the=”” given=”” map=”” to=”” a=”” bool.=”” */=”” function=”” converttobool_(map,=”” key)=”” {=”” if=”” (map[key]=”” !=”null)” {=”” map[key]=”tobool_(map[key]);” }=”” }=”” ```=”” entry.length)=”” entry.substring(key.length=”” +=”” 1)=”” :=”” “”;=”” map[key.trim()]=”value;” }=”” **=”” *=”” returns=”” the=”” given=”” value=”” as=”” a=”” boolean.=”” */=”” function=”” tobool_(value)=”” {=”” return=”” value=”=” null=”” false=”” :=”” (value.tostring().tolowercase()=”=” “true”=”” true=”” :=”” false);=”” }=”” **=”” *=”” converts=”” the=”” value=”” for=”” the=”” given=”” key=”” in=”” the=”” given=”” map=”” to=”” a=”” bool.=”” */=”” function=”” converttobool_(map,=”” key)=”” {=”” if=”” (map[key]=”” !=”null)” {=”” map[key]=”toBool_(map[key]);” }=”” }=””></my></my>
origin - g-sheet-importjson