Posts Fatal disk errors on an Amiga 4000 with 600MB external SCSI unless the clock app...

Fatal disk errors on an Amiga 4000 with 600MB external SCSI unless the clock app...

Paula’s Amiga 4000 enjoyed a mighty 600MB external SCSI device, but when Agnus popped over to find the required file, a number of fatal disk errors peppered the screen.

“Paula, your external drive is buggered,” Agnus called.

“Have you got the clock open?” was the response.

“No. Wait, what?”

Eventually Paula left the game and came over: “You’ve got to open the clock application and put it in the corner of the screen.”

“She then proceeded to show me how she would open the standard clock application that comes with the Amiga,” explained Agnus, “resize it to a certain size, and move it to the top right-hand side of her desktop.”

“Try now.”

And, of course, the hard disk worked perfectly and the files were copied.

Naturally, Agnus couldn’t leave it like that: “I had to do some scientific research.”

“I made the clock slightly smaller. Disk errors.”

“Bigger. Disk errors.”

“Moved it to the other side of the screen. Disk errors.”

“Moved it back to where it was, at approximately the same size. Disk fine.”

src -

Rev 9: bus lockups during DMA

Rev 11: resolves timing issues for single bus master for A4000’s but requires 25MHz CPU for A3000’s

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