Posts Diet Drinks TRIPLE Your Risk Of Stroke And Dementia

Diet Drinks TRIPLE Your Risk Of Stroke And Dementia

Diet drinks are mostly thought of to be healthier than regular soda. However, despite the widely known misconception, diet drinks are actually much more dangerous.

Many people don’t question the ingredients that are really in their foods, especially today. People automatically assume that diet drinks are healthy for you just because they have less sugar and calories. Most people are not aware that companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsico. replace sugar and calories with ingredients that not the same, but taste similar. Although their products might be rather tasty, they’re horrible for your body.

One of the main ingredients that is in diet soda is aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener to replace the sugar from a regular soda. While it tastes very similar, it is nothing like sugar. Aspartame is a laboratory-engineered chemical that is terrible for your body. It’s not just ‘bad’ for you either; it’s literally poison. It can triple your risk of stroke and Dementia a new study finds.

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