Posts deltaxflux.Fluxion


Is a remake of linset by vk496 with less bugs and more features. It’s compatible with the latest release of Kali (Rolling).

-Scan the networks. -Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a valid handshake, it’s necessary to verify the password) -Use WEB Interface * -Launch a FakeAP instance to imitate the original access point -Spawns a MDK3 process, which deauthenticates all users connected to the target network, so they can be lured to connect to the FakeAP and enter the WPA password. -A fake DNS server is launched in order to capture all DNS requests and redirect them to the host running the script -A captive portal is launched in order to serve a page, which prompts the user to enter their WPA password -Each submitted password is verified by the handshake captured earlier -The attack will automatically terminate, as soon as a correct password is submitted

similar –


origin - deltaxflux-fluxion

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