Posts Browser Extensions He Can-t Live Without

Browser Extensions He Can-t Live Without

Privacy Badger + UBlock Origin

Let’s block all the ads! Sites look cleaner, load waayy faster, and pry less. These are the first extensions I install on any browser.

Nano Defender

Let’s block all the anti-adblockers! Many sites these days will try to get you to turn off your adblocker, but once you set up Nano Defender, you’ll no longer have to deal with that. Note: To use alongside Ublock Origin, I had to go through a few extra steps first.

Hover + Unpaywall/ ByPass Paywalls

Let’s block all the login/paywalls! Are you starting to see a pattern here? 😛 The web can be full of thrash sometimes. With Hover & Unpaywall, I can say goodbye to Medium and journal paywalls. If you’re a fan of open source and have an extra minute to spend, check out this extension instead.

Shut Up

Sometimes when I’m consuming content, I’ll be tempted to see what others are saying about it. That’s… not always good.

Reader Mode

Occasionally, even after all these purges, the content on a site will still be ridiculously hard to read- sometimes because they used a funky font and set the size to 8px, or sometimes because there are a million other article suggestions, plus three sidebars, plus an obnoxious navigation header that never goes away. In cases like these, I just use Reader Mode.


Grammarly effortlessly corrects any pesky spelling and grammatical mistakes I make.

Video Speed Controller

Video Speed Controller allows you to control the playback speed on any site. Set the default pace to 1.10x and you’ll go through videos 10% faster without even noticing. Or if you’re on other end of the spectrum like me, and Youtube’s 2x doesn’t match your pace, set it to 2.5x+ to get through lengthy monologues as fast as possible 😼

The Great Suspender

Makes Chrome use less resources by suspending tabs you’re not using. Computers run much more smoothly when this is enabled, especially if you’re a compulsive tab opener.

Tab Snooze

Ran into an interesting rabbit hole or website that you’d really like to check out, but don’t have the time right now? Use Tab Snooze, and it’ll magically reopen the tabs later.

Google KeepNotion Web Clipper

I used to use Google Keep heavily before, to save snippets and links and to add my own notes to the stuff I read online, but I’ve started moving towards Notion these days, as it’s a lot more organized. An important feature both have is that they’re cross-platform, which means I can type out a fresh thought on my phone and flesh out the concept on my PC later.

News Feed Eradicator for Facebook

I rarely use FB these days, and that’s in large part thanks to this extension. I can just pop in to share something interesting or to tell people NOT to message me on Messenger, without being sucked in by the infinite feed.

Minimal Twitter

I do use Twitter, and this completely cleans up the interface.

View Image

Brings back the view image button on Google Images! 🤗

Simplify Gmail

Recommended by Matej, this lovely extension cleans up Gmail’s UI and hides the obnoxious logo.

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