Posts Awesome LINQ

Awesome LINQ

src -

LINQ for JavaScript -


  • LINQ to Bing - LINQ provider for Bing search API engine

  • LINQ to CSV - Popular, easy to use library to read and write CSV files (by @mperdeck)

  • LINQ to DB - Linq to database provider (by @linq2db)

  • LINQ to Excel - Retrieve data from spreadsheets by using LINQ (by @paulyoder)

  • LINQ to Google - Query Google’s Data Sources using a strongly typed syntax

  • LINQ to JSON - Part of the lib Newtonsoft.Json.NET (by @JamesNK)

  • LINQ to REST - Parses OData system query parameters to create a LINQ query

  • LINQ to SharePoint - Query SharePoint lists using familiar LINQ syntax

  • LINQ to Twitter - LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (by @JoeMayo)

  • LINQ to Wiki - .Net library to access MediaWiki API (by @svick)

  • LINQ to XSD - LINQ to XSD enhances the existing LINQ to XML technology


  • ExtraLINQ - Extension methods for various .NET sequence types (by @mariusschulz)

  • i4o (index for objects) - Indexed LINQ - Extends LINQ to allow you to put indexes on your objects

  • LINQKit - Extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework power users (by @scottksmith95)

  • LINQ Extensions - LINQ extensions for .NET is a collection of useful extensions methods that extends LINQ’s capability. There are methods for combinatorics, mathematical sequences and others Array/IEnumerable extensions. (by @TommasoScalici)

  • LINQ Extensions Library - Statistical analysis, sequence generation and manipulation, pattern detection and more

  • Mono.Linq.Expressions - Complement for System.Linq.Expressions (by @jbevain)

  • MoreLINQ - Extensions to LINQ to Objects (by @morelinq)


  • RavenDB - A linq enabled document database for .NET (by @ravendb)


  • L2ST4 – T4 based code generation to replace the default code generated from the DBML file with LINQ to SQL

  • LINQ IQueryable Toolkit - Build your own LINQ provider written by the mind behind LINQ to SQL

  • ReLinq - Create full-featured LINQ providers. ReLinq is used by EF 7 and NHibernate

  • LINQBridge - Complete re-implementation of LINQ to Objects for projects targeting Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0






  • LINQ Quiz - Take the following short quiz and test your knowledge of LINQ!


  • CLinq - LINQ support for the C++/CLI language

  • go-linq - .NET LINQ-like query methods for Go (by @ahmetalpbalkan)

  • hxLINQ - An implementation of LINQ in Haxe (by @andyli)

  • Jinq - LINQ-style queries for Java 8 (by @my2iu)

  • LINQ in JavaScript - Use ES6 iterators for proper lazy evaluation (by @aaronpowell)

  • Linq - LINQ for list comprehension in C++ (by @pfultz2)

  • Linq - Objective-C implementation of LINQ (by @RyujiSamejima)

  • LinqToObjectiveC - Brings a Linq-style fluent query API to Objective-C (by @ColinEberhardt)

  • linq - PHP implementation of LINQ 2 Objects (by @fusonic)

  • linq - LINQ support for Go (by @zx48)

  • linqts - LINQ for TypeScript (by @kutyel)

  • linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript library packaged for node.js (by @mihaifm)

  • linq4j - A port of LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) to Java (by @julianhyde)

  • node-linq - LINQ for node (by @contra)

  • SINQ - LINQ for Swift - Swift Integrated Query (by @slazyk)

  • Pinq - PHP Integrated Query, a real LINQ library for PHP (by @TimeToogo)

  • YaLinqo - Yet Another LINQ to Objects for PHP (by @Athari)

origin - awesome-linq

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