Posts Angular v2 – First Impressions (Compared to Angular v1)

Angular v2 – First Impressions (Compared to Angular v1)

**Why call it Angular 2? I realize naming things is always hard, but I think naming something similar to something that already exist is dangerous.

When .NET first came out, many ASP programmers tried to use ASP.NET as though it were ASP. That didn’t turn out so well for them and, I think, confused them.

VB.NET had a similar problem. During those early days of .NET I was working for a training company. I had several ex VB6 developers show up to my C# class. Do you know why? Because they realized that VB.NET was such an entirely different language, they were better off just starting over with a new language than possibly treating VB.NET as though it were VB6. Good call if you ask me.

Most recently, Microsoft has learned from history and decided to rename the product they’ve been referring to as .NET 5 as .NET Core 1.0. In this case it is enough like .NET that keeping .NET in the name is a good thing. But starting the versioning at 1.0 again also shows that this is a brand new product with some differences from what we are all used to.

Rob Eisenburg decided to call his new project Aurelia instead of Durandal 2 because they are enough different from each other. While I’m not an expert on either product, I’m pretty sure that there are elements of Durandal in Aurelia simply because Rob was significantly involved in both projects.

Which brings me to Angular 2.

Why call it Angular anything?! Angular 2 has very little in common with Angular 1.x other than basic concepts. But, so much has changed it is like calling “ASP.NET 1.0” “ASP 5”. It just doesn’t work, and it hides the fact that there is going to be a HUGE learning curve for those who are familiar with Angular 1.

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