Posts ANESE and wideNES

ANESE and wideNES

ANESE (Another NES Emulator) is a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator written for fun and learning.

Accuracy and performance are long-term goals, but the primary focus is getting popular titles up and running. There are still a lot of bugs, but many games are working quite well already.

ANESE is cross-platform, and is regularly tested on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

ANESE core uses clean and interesting C++11, emphasizing readability, maintainability, and approachability. It is well commented, providing in-line sources and insights for much of the implementation. It is also dependency free (aside from stdlib), making it easy to embed in other projects.

WideNES wideNES is a novel technique that can automatically “map-out” levels and worlds in NES games.

Unlike many modern titles, NES games generally lacked “world maps” or “level viewers.” If you wanted to map-out the a level, you had to do it manually, drawing a map by hand, or stitching together a bunch of screenshots.

origin - anese-and-widenes

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