Posts Ancile


For Windows 7/8.x attempts to block all Windows spying and unwanted upgrades.


Overview Sync time with Block unwanted hosts Change windows update to check/notify (do not download/install) Disable automatic delivery of Internet explorer via windows update Disable ceip/gwx/skydrive(aka OneDrive)/SpyNet/telemetry/WiFiSense Disable remote registry Disable unwanted scheduled tasks Disable Windows 10 update Remove Microsoft’s diagnostics tracking Hide/Uninstall unwanted Windows updates

Block Bad Hosts There are a number of hosts that Microsoft uses to collect data. Ancile disables access to them by redirecting connections using the Windows routing table, Windows firewall, and the hosts file. A complete list of blocked hosts can be found in “ancile\scripts\hosts\hostsdns.txt” and “ancile\scripts\hosts\hostsip.txt”.

Internet Explorer Some updates which may contain critical security patches for IE, as well as automated delivery of IE and related updates, will be blocked. Due to the security risks posed by running an un-patched browser you are strongly advised to uninstall IE. If you plan to continue to use IE you should either: Not run this script, or manually patch IE at your own risk.

Windows Update Ancile modifies the Windows Update settings to ‘check/notify but do not download/install’. If you have problems getting Windows Update to work properly after running the script you may need to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter ( ), or the System Update Readiness Tool ( ). If you have recently installed updates and have not yet rebooted you should reboot before running the script. If you are on a fresh install of Windows you may want to install all updates before running Aegis for the first time, otherwise it may take a long time to update.

origin - ancile

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