Posts AITA for accusing his girlfriend of getting pregnant intentionally?

AITA for accusing his girlfriend of getting pregnant intentionally?

I’ve been dating my girlfriend for 4 years, living together for one year now. We’re both 26. Our relationship has been great for the most part but I noticed that since we moved in together my girlfriend has been talking more and more about having children, her Pinterest is filled with stuff about baby clothes, nursery decorating and raising kids (as well as tons of wedding stuff). She follows a lot of family accounts on Instagram she would once in a while send me videos of kids and say “lol this is totally our future kid)

I was very adamant that I wanted to wait until we could afford a house, pay off some debts and establish our careers before getting married and then we would have kids. She just finished her masters and I finished physiotherapist school and would love to start my own physiotherapy business in the future. She always agreed that we weren’t ready for kids but it was obvious she had intense baby fever. My girlfriend is on birth control and takes the depo provera shot every 3 months.

3 days ago my girlfriend tells me that she’s 2 months pregnant and she just found out. I was absolutely shocked. Honestly I suggested an abortion at this point but my girlfriend was adamant against it and said she was pretty excited for the baby and was mad I was even suggesting abortion.

So honestly, I did accuse her of intentionally getting pregnant because it honestly just made the most sense. She was acting so excited like it was planned, her past behaviour showed she was looking forward to a baby and I never followed up to make sure she was getting all her shots. She had been on the same form of birth control our entire relationship with barely a pregnancy scare and suddenly she’s pregnant?

When I accused her of getting pregnant on purpose she got mad at me and says she would have never done that and she knows that it isn’t the perfect time to have a child and she been getting all her depo shots but “God had other plans” and we could make it work. I again accused her of lying and this was just too much of a coincidence.

We argue back and forth and she gets really angry and runs away to her moms house. She then texts me a picture of a receipt for her most recent depo shot 9 weeks ago with the caption “you are a fucking asshole”. She blocked me and refuses to respond to any of my messages.

I already apologized many times but I honestly don’t think I was the asshole to question her intentionally getting pregnant. From my point of view it made sense. I really hope we can make this work but am I really the asshole here, when looking at my perspective of the situation?

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