
Acquisitions will make GitLab the first security solution to offer both coverage-guided and behavioral fuzz testing Today GitLab, the single application for the DevOps lifecycle, announced it has a...

As I look at Facebook, for example, I keep thinking are they really that ignorant or is this motivated by something … darker than what appears? Had enormous respect for what Facebook had ac...

Facebook paid a cybersecurity firm six figures to develop a zero-day in a Tor-reliant operating system in order to unmask a man who spent years sextorting hundreds of young girls, threatening to sh...

Back in September last year, Facebook announced the Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC) to combat the menace of disinformation stemming from deepfakes. The competition officially kicked off on Dece...

Ο Υφυπουργός Οικονομικών Απόστολος Βεσυρόπουλος και ο Διοικητής της Ανεξάρτητης Αρχής Δημοσίων Εσόδων Γιώργος Πιτσιλής υπέγραψαν Κοινή Απόφαση, με την οποία ενερ https://www.fortunegreece.com/arti...

https://youtu.be/3tR6mKcBbT4 Amazingly powerful. https://boingboing.net/2020/06/12/dave-chappelles-846.html origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/2020/06/dave-chappelles-846/ dave-chappelles-846

https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=18462 xrdp-an-open-source-rdp-server

Some years I get excited about my garden. I write a plan, I start seeds, I make a trip to a specific nursery to search out my favorite varieties of heirloom tomatoes. But in other years, like this ...

https://grow.google/intl/el https://www.fortunegreece.com/article/ipourgio-ergasias-oaed-google-sinergasia-gia-tin-psifiaki-katartisi-anergon-ke-ti-sindesi-tous-me-epichirisis/ origin - https://w...

For the crime of spitting in public, New York City officials arrested and fined 144 men on Oct. 4, 1918, during the second — and deadliest — wave of the flu pandemic. Cases had suddenly spiked, and...

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