
When the stored procedure throws an error, instead of going in to the catch block I’m getting an exception back saying “Uncommittable transaction is detected at the end of the batch. The transac...

Telegram is introducing end-to-end encrypted video calls on its platform as the chat app completes seven years. Right now the feature will be available in alpha mode on its Android app, while iOS u...

Fragments of glassy petrified grass and microscopic traces of plant material, dating to around 200,000 years ago, are all that’s left of a Paleolithic hunter-gatherer’s bed in the back of Border Ca...

«Κάποια πράγματα δεν γίνεται να μην λέγονται…έστω κι αν είναι αυτονόητα ακόμα και για τριτοετείς φοιτητές Ιατρικής (στο τρίτο έτος διδασκόμαστε την Μικροβιολογία)…» Όλοι οι ιοί εξασθενούν ...

https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6579?hl=en Skip the inbox: Archive the email so it doesn’t appear in your inbox apply existing filters to inbox mails (aka run rule) https://support.googl...

Deploy your Heroku app including nodejs buildpacks and environment variables with step-by-step explanation and code snippets. With so many deploying interfaces on the web like firebase, netlify, AW...

This may be shocking to hear, but nearly all of the promises AT&T made in the lead up to its $86 billion merger with Time Warner wound up not being true. The company’s promise that the deal wou...

https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2020/8/12/21361498/climate-change-air-pollution-us-india-china-deaths origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=18901 air-pollution-is-much-worse-than-we-tho...

Jade Dodd of Tennessee renewed her license online, and when she received it last week, was surprised to discover that the photo wasn’t her, but rather an image of an empty chair. https://boingboin...

The year 2020 may be one for the record books in terms of apocalyptic tidings. In addition to the usual background of fires, floods, and earthquakes, the plague is still around. And you might have ...

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