
How long does it take to walk 1 mile? As both research and actual scientific measurements, an average adult will walk 1 mile in 15 to 18 minutes at moderate to a brisk pace. Or in other words, 3 to...

Exercise promotes longevity and ameliorates type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. However, exercise also increases mitochondrial formation of presumably harmful reactive oxygen species (...

https://www.wired.com/story/9-browser-extensions-search-the-web-better/ origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=19436 9-browser-extensions-to-help-you-search-the-web-better

https://archive.org/details/winampskins origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=19426 winamp-skins-collection

I’ve used Google Fonts in prototypes and in 10M+ MAU products. It’s incredibly easy to get started with and provides an amazing font discovery. That’s also why it’s currently still used on over 42M...

In the fall of 2007, my parents gave me an unforgettable gift for my sixteenth birthday: a first-generation iPhone. I still clearly remember watching the keynote in which Steve Jobs announced the f...

Parallel.ForEach(dTCustomers.AsEnumerable(), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5 }, dr => { string url = dr["url"].ToString(); WebClient web = new WebClient(); web.Encoding = En...

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (December 4, 1995) – Netscape Communications Corporation (NASDAQ: NSCP) and Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUNW), today announced JavaScript, an open, cross-platform object sc...

The nutrition of a cup of mushrooms : white mushroom brown mushroom rich in carbohydrates 21 calories 19 calories selenium Chitin ...

In the midst of global warming, global desertification, deoxygenating oceans and Earth’s sixth mass extinction crisis, mycologist and author Paul Stamets gives us seven reasons to hold out hope, an...

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