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Following a request from a local anti-piracy group, Greek ISPs are required to block access to block over 200 new domain names. Most of the targeted domains are proxies for The Pirate Bay, 1337x, a...

In what turned into a case of media mudslinging over the last few days, the resort which initially got a lot of flak defended itself saying that the defamation complaint was the last resort after A...

Generating random Pac-Man mazes is a deceptively difficult problem that I spent some months working on. It is not easy to describe clearly. I hope you are patient. This page is an effort to begin c...

signal is an app that I personally make as a hobby. Please forgive all kinds of bugs. If you agree with the concept of lightweight composer software that runs in a browser, please support me. I wou...

To block Google’s before you continue popup on the main Google site add the following lines to uBlock Origin’s My filter tab: www.google.com###lb www.google.com##:root:style(overflow-y: visible !i...

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The MN8 electroencephalography device looks like any set of sleek wireless earphones. Its buds can rest unobtrusively in the ear’s concha for a whole workday and that, its makers at San Francisco-b...

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