
When Alibaba entered the cloud infrastructure market in earnest in 2015 it had ambitious goals, and it has been growing steadily. Today, the Chinese ecommerce giant announced quarterly cloud revenu...

https://ffmpegwasm.github.io/ origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=19309 a-pure-webassembly-javascript-port-of-ffmpeg

Dessy Daskalov https://aosabook.org/en/500L/a-pedometer-in-the-real-world.html origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/2020/11/a-pedometer-in-the-real-world/ a-pedometer-in-the-real-world

https://www.amna.gr/health/article/502656/To-keri-sta-autia-apotelei-deikti-tou-stres origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=19306 to-keri-sta-aftia-apoteli-dikti-tou-stres

Mysterious, intense blasts of radio energy have been detected from within our own galaxy, astronomers have said. Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, last only a fraction of a second but can be 100 million ...

All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions. https://interessesuper...

The npm security team has removed today a malicious JavaScript library from the npm website that contained malicious code for opening backdoors on programmers’ computers. https://www.zdnet.com/art...

http://www.mywinamp.com/winamp-for-windows-10-download/ origin - https://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=19299 winamp-windows-10

Where in a nerve cell is a certain receptor protein located? Without an answer to this question, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions about the function of this protein. https://www.eurekalert...

Η rBGH αναπτύχθηκε από τη Monsanto και είναι μια γενετικά τροποποιημένη ορμόνη που χορηγείται με ένεση σε αγελάδες γαλακτοπαραγωγής για να παράγουν περισσότερο γάλα. http://www.proionta-tis-fisis....

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