
Context: living near Amsterdam, following the situation in Amsterdam (pre-Corona) closely, founder of Kamernet.nl - the largest marketplace for student rentals in the Netherlands. Once the various ...

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Κάμψη 80% παρουσιάζουν οι μετακινήσεις μέσω σιδηροδρόμου. Η διοίκηση της ΤΡΑΙΝΟΣΕ συνεχώς περικόπτει επιβατικά δρομολόγια, καθώς οι επιβάτες μειώνονται διαρκώς. https://www.kathimerini.gr/1070579/...

Why Windows 95 and Windows 98 would crash after 49.7 days of uptime There’s a famous bug in Windows 95 and Windows 98 (now patched) that caused these systems to stop functioning after 49.7 days of...

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Eager traders looking to cash in the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have flocked to purchase shares in video-calling platform Zoom – except some bought the wrong stock. https://thenextweb.com/har...

There may be a small answer to one of the biggest problems on the planet. German researchers report in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology that they have identified and characterized a strain of ...

More than 750 healthcare providers were hit with ransomware last year, according to Emsisoft, a New Zealand cybersecurity company offering free help to hospitals hit with ransomware. “We may be loo...

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The year 2017 saw a rise in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Etherum, not for trading but also to be used for other applications as well. Since then many companies have jumped on the cryptocurrenc...

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