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when create a drive map, the property is visible when mapped, the user cant readjust the ‘Reconnect at sign-in’, most of users search for that because getting tray-balloons ‘cant connect’ //sour...

19/01/2015 The browser will let users view real-time notifications from Facebook even when browsing different websites. The notifications will then direct the user to the Facebook app or mobil...

source http://perishablepress.com/advanced-php-error-handling-via-php/ //php.ini ;;; php error handling for production servers display_startup_errors = off display_errors = off html_errors = off lo...

Is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce your team’s coding conventions. http://jshint.com/ origin - http://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=2270 j...

Is a personal firewall that protects a user’s privacy by allowing a user to control which applications can connect to the internet from their GNU/Linux computer. http://douaneapp.com/ leopardfl...

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SBgameHacker is the most easy-to-use Android game modifying artifact (no one). The fine is small, fast, green, free, no ads. http://sbgamehacker.com/ Is a mobile game assistant tool, running in t...

Natural Language for the Internet of Things turn speech into actionable data http://wit.ai/ http://github.com/wit-ai 05/JAN/2015 – Facebook Acquires Voice Recognition Startup Wit.ai or...

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