
Is the ultimate database of exploits and vulnerabilities and a great resource for vulnerability researchers and security professionals. http://1337day.com/ group by PHP http://1337day.com/platfor...

FOR /D %%X IN (C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_*) DO echo %%X pause advanced use @echo off FOR /D %%X IN (C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_*) DO call :letloop %%X GOTO :EOF :letloop rmdir /S /...

Οι γυναίκες που έκαναν στοματικό σεξ στους συντρόφους τους, ένιωθαν πιο ικανοποιημένες και γεμάτες από τη ζωή τους http://goo.gl/ylmAlg 14η Μαρτίου - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μπριζόλας και Πεολειχία...

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Runs on Windows, Linux, OSX, Windows Phone, Android and iOS, with a single consistent data file format across all platforms. The core libraries have a small footprint and install with zero configur...

Is a plugin for CakePHP using Bootstrap.. http://slywalker.github.io/cakephp-plugin-boost_cake/ or http://github.com/slywalker/cakephp-plugin-boost_cake How to Run custom sql query in Cake...

Is a cross-platform free application that allows join multiple MP4 files into one without reencoding and without quality loss. It is Open Source Software and is completely free. http://www.mp4join...

We offer JavaScript/HTML5 charts for most of your needs. The set includes serial (column, bar, line, area, step line, step without risers, smoothed line, candlestick and ohlc graphs), pie/donut, ra...

Is a modified, slimmed down version of the Google Apps package. The goal of these packages is to provide the smallest Only includes the absolute essentials to make everything run properly. This inc...

Lets you search and download files located on public FTP servers. http://www.searchftps.net/ similar - http://www.filewatcher.com/ origin - http://www.pipiscrew.com/?p=2872 napalm-ftp-indexer

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